
Data & sample collections...

156 collections

  • ACBB

    Augsburg Central BioBank

    The Augsburg Central BioBank is a centralized biobank at the University Hospital of Augsburg. It is divided into two parts, consisting of liquid and solid biosamples. For solid biosamples, we collect oncological biosamples with the main focus on lung...

  • AMC Biobank

    Amsterdam UMC Biobank: Location AMC

    Biobanks are increasingly important for conducting state-of-the-art biomedical research. AMC Biobank has been established in 2014 to support researchers in establishing biobanks that meet current ethical and quality standards. As one of the core faci...


    Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment of Basilicata

    The ARPAB carries out the technical-scientific activities connected to the exercise of public functions for the protection of the environment referred to in article 1 of the legislative decree of 4 December 1993, n. 496, converted, with amendments, b...


    Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment of Campania

    The environmental dataset is critical for the assessment of potential exposure risk to support epidemiological assessments. The dataset has been designed to have the widest adherence on a European scale. It is built up of registering variables determ...

  • ASK-Tx

    Asklepios Biobank für Lungenerkrankungen - Asklepios Biobank for Lung Diseases

    Es ist das Ziel der Biobank, Gewebe, Blut und andere Körperflüssigkeiten in hoher Qualität zu sammeln, zu lagern und für die wissenschaftliche Forschung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie ist Teil des „Comprehensive Pneumology Centers München“ (CPC-M) und...


    Biobanca Di Ricerca OPBG

    OPBG Research Biobank stores biological samples and associated data of children’s patients, collected since 1985. It is regulated by specific criteria for the evaluation of the requests for conservation and use of biological material and related data...

  • BBB

    BioBank Bonn

    Die BioBank Bonn ist eine Serviceeinrichtung der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bonn und des Universitätsklinikums Bonn. Sie ist direkt dem Dekanat unterstellt und organisatorisch in den Instituten für Pathologie, für Klinische Chemie und Kli...

  • BBD

    BioBank Dresden

    The BioBank Dresden (BBD) is located on the campus of the University Hospital Dresden. Within the BBD, biomaterial from patients and healthy volunteers is processed and stored in a quality-assured and data-protection-compliant manner. The BBD includ...

  • BBI Bari

    BioBanca Istituzionale Bari

    The Institutional Biobank within the IRCCS Cancer Institute Giovanni Paolo II of Bari-Italy performs the collection, storage and distribution of human biospecimens from cancer patients treated in our Institute or collaborating facilities. The Bioba...


    Biobanca IRE

    Born in 2014 (BBIRE), the Biobank of the IRCCS Regina Elena National Cancer Institute includes tissue and biological fluids of cancer patients. The collections store and distribute frozen tissues, FFPE tissues, blood derivatives, cells and cell lines...